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Foreign exchange manager strategy:Long terms | Rising | Buffering stage exceeds pressure

Buying the bottom is the simplest and most lucrative investment technique. When the bottom position is stable, it has an advantage over any midway technical entry. The process of buying the bottom is as buffered as a spring, but what most people fear is the buffering stage. The process of retail investment and trading: when building positions at the bottom, they can't hold it if they make a small profit. They can still hold the floating losses in the early stage. If the floating losses are serious, they will sbottom the losses. After holding the floating losses, when the floating losses turn into floating profits, they will often lose money. They will close the position immediately. After closing the position, the price will continue to rise, but they dare not enter the market again, which wastes the advantageous investment opportunity. The psychological fear cannot bear the floating losses.

Strategy video |

Strategy moving picture

buffering stage exceeds pressure in rising en

Strategy still picture

buffering stage exceeds pressure in rising en

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