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Foreign exchange manager strategy:Funds | Technology | Mentality | trading system | practice make perfect

There are a vast number of investment and trading textbooks with different opinions and perspectives. No matter what the content is, the authors are expressing their limited knowledge, limited experience and cognitive biases. Only selective absorption is correct.
The most frightening thing is that most of the authors of investment and trading books are not real practical traders. They don’t know how to trade at all. They can only write books. This will mislead newcomers who are new to the investing industry. When this mistake is discovered and a lot of valuable time has been wasted.
But the process from immature to very mature is the same for everyone’s trading system. It takes time to experience it, go through it, and complete it. This process is very long. The 10,000-hour rule is the perfect explanation for this process.

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Strategy moving picture

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Strategy still picture

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